Animated Learning: a pedagogical approach
On this page we share more about the pedagogical approach that we call 'Animated Learning'.
Animated Learning is an approach that encourages oracy and critical thinking through the power of visual storytelling using animations and comics as a stimulus for learning. Animated Learning promotes a participatory, experiential and de/colonial approach to learning and is purposefully designed to be used across a wide range of curricula and subject areas.
The resources on this page include a pedagogical overview, a set of generic activities for use with any animation or comic, and a slide deck to help share the power of visual storytelling with others. These resources are free for you to use, but if you do you use them we’d love to hear how you get on with them.
If you’d like to engage more directly with us around Animated Learning then we can offer workshops, conference inputs, and in-person and on-line CPD opportunities. We believe these work best when we understand your needs or intentions and so invite you to reach out and start a discussion about how we might be able to help.
Recent sessions we have run include:
- Migration and Human Rights Comicon @ Royal Geographical Society, June 2022
- Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network (TEESNet) conference, September 2022
- Philosophy for Children (P4C) practitioner network (online event), 2023
- Peace Education Network, June 2023
- World Water Day (online event), March 2024
- Geographical Association annual conference, March 2024

Animated Learning: an overview
COMING SOON: We are currently working on producing an overview of our Animated Learning pedagogy that will explore the power of visual storytelling in creating transformational change.

Animated Learning: activities for all
COMING SOON: This resource is a collation of some activities from across our resources that could be used with any animation or comic.

Animated Learning: sharing the love
COMING SOON: We love using animations and comics for learning, but not everyone is familiar with their potential. This deck of slides has been created to help you engage others and make the case for the power of visual storytelling.