In collaboration with the LSE International Drug Policy Unit and facilitated by the Ana Liffey Drug Project, these posters depict the stories of three people affected by the use of drugs in different ways. The stories feature in the 2018 Safer From Harm campaign.
More details on the ‘Safer From Harm’ project:
Experts from the London School of Economics (LSE), along with leading Irish NGO the Ana Liffey Drug Project have stated that possessing drugs for personal use should not be a criminal offence. This accords with the view of the Oireachtas Justice Committee which ‘strongly recommended’ a move away from criminal sanctions in late 2015.
Over the summer (2018) across Ireland, LSE, Ana Liffey and Hot Press magazine have been organising a series of events to highlight these insights on decriminalisation and drug use through free public meetings and through conversations online and on social media, using the #SaferFromHarm hashtag.
PositiveNegatives contributed to this #SaferFromHarm campaign by producing comics detailing the lives of people who use, or are affected by, drugs. These were then employed in the town halls, social media campaign and other public media engagements. The comic posters explore the experiences of three people who are affected, in different ways, by the use of drugs.